TFG Legal Plan Terms and Conditions

TFG Legal Plan Membership Guide

(the/this “Product”)






In return for the timeous and prior payment of the amount payable for the Product (which includes the premium for the Legal Insurance Benefit) by the main member and receipt of the premium by Guardrisk, and subject to the terms and conditions of this membership guide, on the occurrence of a claim event (which is when a cause of action is accepted by LIPCO for legal assistance with a litigious matter), Guardrisk will pay the benefit to LICPO, subject to the terms and conditions of this membership guide.





Congratulations on your TFG Legal Plan membership! Now you can get a better understanding of and appreciation for your legal rights and rely on LIPCO to help you enforce those rights.


This membership guide contains the terms and conditions of your membership. If you do not understand any of the sections, please phone 0861 534 367 or email


When you accepted TFG Legal Plan, you chose one of three product options – Silver, Gold or Platinum. You must be careful to read the parts of this membership guide that apply to the option you took up (they are all clearly marked in bold), because there are differences between the benefits, services, exclusions and limitations for the three different options.




These definitions will apply to this membership guide:


2.1     MEMBER:


Platinum option:

Membership will be you (the “main member”), the TFG customer who signed up for this Product and whose details are confirmed on the Schedule PLUS your legal/traditional spouse (only one spouse can be a member of this Product) PLUS any number of your dependent children (i.e. unmarried and unemployed) who are younger than 25 (twenty-five) PLUS up to 2 (two) of your Extended Family Members (if you have chosen to cover Extended Family Members and paid the additional monthly payment) who are permanently resident and domiciled in South Africa and who are not fugitives from justice.


Gold option:

Membership will be you (the “main member”), the TFG customer who signed up for this Product and whose details are confirmed on the Schedule PLUS your legal/traditional spouse (only one spouse can be a member of this Product) PLUS any number of dependent children (i.e. unmarried and unemployed) who are younger than 25 (twenty-five), who are permanently resident and domiciled in South Africa and who are not fugitives from justice.


Silver option:

Membership will be you (the “main member”), the TFG customer who signed up for this Product PLUS your legal/traditional spouse (only one spouse can be a member of this product) PLUS your 4 eldest, dependent children (i.e. unmarried and unemployed) who are younger than 25 (twenty-five), who are permanently resident and domiciled in South Africa and who are not fugitives from justice.


KINDLY NOTE: You, the TFG customer, will be the main member, and your spouse, children and Extended Family Members (where applicable for the Platinum option) as dependants.


  • Any reference to ‘dependant’ shall mean financially dependent on you, the main member, unless otherwise specifically stated.


  • Any reference to ‘children’ shall mean biological children, stepchildren and legally adopted children, and ‘child’ shall have a corresponding meaning.


  • The main member has the responsibility to provide LIPCO with the identity numbers/birth certificates of all dependants on request.


  • A dependent child will be disqualified for assistance under the main member’s membership when he/she becomes employed, unless such dependent child is a fulltime student and is only employed on a part-time basis. Once disqualified as a dependent, the child will never again be regarded as a dependent under this Product, even if he/she becomes unemployed.


  • Children will only be assisted as dependents in terms of this Product if they are entirely dependent on the main member, permanently stay with him/her under the same roof and no maintenance is received from the natural non-custodian parent in regard to them.


  • If the main member gets married after the commencement date, his/her new spouse’s (including new child dependents’, if any) commencement date will be the date of the main member’s marriage and will not be backdated to the main member’s commencement date.


  • For the Platinum option only: if the main member adds Extended Family Members after the commencement date, his/her Extended Family Members’ commencement date will be the date that the main member adds his/her Extended Family Members, as captured by TFG.




           Extended Family Members can include (where this option is selected by the main member and the additional monthly payment paid):


           2.2.1 Siblings, being the main member’s biological brothers and sisters, half brothers and sisters and stepbrothers and sisters; and

           2.2.2 Parents, being the main member’s natural, legally adoptive or stepparents; and

           2.2.3 Independent children, being the main member’s children who are not financially dependent on the main member.


2.3     FOSCHINI or TFG:


This Product is brought to you by Foschini Retail Group (Pty) Ltd (1988/007302/07), which is also the administrator of the Legal Insurance Benefit. Foschini Retail Group (Pty) Ltd (1988/007302/07) is an authorised financial services provider with FSP number 32719.


2.4     LIPCO:


LIPCO Group (Pty) Ltd (2001/014508/07) is an authorised financial services provider with FSP number 7508 and has been appointed by Guardrisk as underwriting manager for this Product. LIPCO is also contracted by TFG to manage and coordinate all legal and mediation services referred to in this membership guide. Any reference to "LAW FOR ALL” includes LIPCO.


2.5     GUARDRISK:


Guardrisk Insurance Company Limited (1992/001639/06) underwrites the Legal Insurance Benefit. Guardrisk Insurance Company Limited (1992/001639/06) is an authorised financial services provider with FSP number 75 and an insurer licensed to conduct non-life insurance business in terms of the Insurance Act 18 of 2017.




The commencement date of this Product is the date when the benefits start (subject to the terms and conditions in this membership guide) and the date of the main member’s acceptance of the TFG Legal Plan, if the main member takes up this Product over the telephone, or the date on which the main member signs the credit agreement and accepts the terms and conditions for his/her TFG Money Account (if the main member takes up this Product when he/she applies for a TFG Money Account with TFG).

When the main member gets married, his/her spouse will have a different commencement date (see 2.1 above). For the Platinum option: when the main member adds Extended Family Members to this membership, his/her Extended Family Members will have a different commencement date (see 2.1 above).




The date of the cause of action will be the date of the first event that led to the member needing legal assistance. This will also include alleged events (e.g. alleged assault).




This means a legal matter, condition or dispute that originated or was established before the Commencement Date and the expiry of the waiting period (where applicable) where the member knew/was aware of or should reasonably have known/been aware of the legal matter, condition or dispute on the Commencement Date. Any legal matter where the event or alleged event already started before the Commencement Date (or before the expiry of any applicable waiting period) will be considered a Pre-existing Matter.




Means the document which confirms certain information relevant to this Product, which includes the main member’s details, the monthly payment, the Legal Insurance Benefit and whether the main member has chosen to add Extended Family Members. The Schedule forms part of this Membership Guide.
















           The Legal Emergency Benefit entitles the member to 24 hour telephonic legal advice on any legal emergency that requires immediate legal assistance (e.g. a bail application over a weekend). This benefit entitles the member to immediate advice if the member phones the emergency numbers shown in clause 5 below. These telephone lines are however reserved for legal emergencies only and if, in LIPCO’s discretion, the matter is not of an urgent nature and can be resolved during normal office hours, the member will be required to phone back at another time in order to be assisted under the Basic Benefit. 


           Services under the Legal Emergency Benefit will be available 24 hours a day from Mondays to Sundays (including all public holidays).





           The Basic Benefit entitles the member to telephonic legal advice on private legal matters ­, even if the date of the cause of action was before the commencement date ie: this benefit can be used for Pre-existing Matters. Assistance under the Basic Benefit is limited to telephonic advice only.


           Services under the Basic Benefit will be available between 08h00 and 16h30 from Mondays to Fridays.




           For the Silver option: the Mediation Benefit entitles the member to 20 (twenty) telephonic mediations per year on any matter mentioned in clause 7, where the date of the cause of action is after the commencement date (ie: this benefit cannot be used for Pre-existing Matters).


           LIPCO does its best to solve any problem under the Mediation Benefit by way of opening files on behalf of the member, sending letters/faxes to the person/party that the member has a legal dispute with [limited to 20 (twenty) per file], making telephone calls [limited to 20 (twenty) per file] and sending emails (not limited). The member is NOT only telephonically advised, but LIPCO’s mediators will take all reasonable steps (subject to the limits of this Product) on behalf of the member to settle the matter with the third party (e.g. a bank, insurer, neighbour, employer, attorney, creditor, police officer etc.). LIPCO will assist the member with legal problems up to the point where litigation is inevitable or where formal mediation proceedings, as provided for in the statutory Court Rules, start. The decision as to whether litigation is inevitable or whether formal mediation proceedings are required will be in the sole discretion of LIPCO, TFG and / or Guardrisk.


           For the Gold option: the Mediation Benefit entitles the member to an unlimited amount of telephonic mediations on any matter mentioned in clause 7, where the date of the cause of action is after the commencement date ie: this benefit cannot be used for Pre-existing Matters.


           LIPCO does its best to solve any problem under the Mediation Benefit by way of opening files on behalf of the member, sending letters/faxes to the person/party that the member has a legal dispute with, making telephone calls and sending emails. The member is NOT only telephonically advised, but LIPCO’s mediators will take all reasonable steps (subject to the limits of this Product) on behalf of the member to settle the matter with the third party (e.g. a bank, insurer, neighbour, employer, attorney, creditor, police officer etc.). LIPCO will assist the member with legal problems up to the point where litigation is inevitable or where formal mediation proceedings, as provided for in the statutory Court Rules, start. The decision as to whether litigation is inevitable or whether formal mediation proceedings are required will be in the sole discretion of LIPCO, TFG and / or Guardrisk.


           For the Platinum option: the Mediation Benefit entitles the member to an unlimited amount of telephonic mediations as well as two (2) personal, face to face consultations per year with a legal advisor / mediator at a LIPCO office by appointment, on any matter mentioned in clause 7, where the date of the cause of action is after the commencement date, or within a 3 (three) month period immediately preceding the commencement date of membership.  


           LIPCO does its best to solve any problem under the Mediation Benefit by way of opening files on behalf of the member, sending letters/faxes to the person/party that the member has a legal dispute with, making telephone calls and sending emails. The member is NOT only telephonically advised, but LIPCO’s mediators will take all reasonable steps (subject to the limits of this Product) on behalf of the member to settle the matter with the third party (e.g. a bank, insurer, neighbour, employer, attorney, creditor, police officer etc.). LIPCO will assist the member with legal problems up to the point where litigation is inevitable or where formal mediation proceedings, as provided for in the statutory Court Rules, start. The decision as to whether litigation is inevitable or whether formal mediation proceedings are required will be in the sole discretion of LIPCO, TFG and / or Guardrisk.


           Services under the Mediation Benefit for all options will be available between 08h00 and 16h30 from Mondays to Fridays.








           The Estate Assist Benefit entitles the members and the executor of the main member’s estate to unlimited assistance and advice via telephone, letters and emails in the winding up of the main member’s deceased estate.


           Services under the Estate Assist Benefit will be available between 08h00 and 16h30 from Mondays to Fridays. 


           The main member is responsible for informing the nominated executor of his/her estate of the existence of this Product, particularly this Estate Assist Benefit.




           For the Silver option: the Legal Insurance Benefit entitles the member to legal assistance with litigious matters for criminal or civil action instituted against the member, where the date of the cause of action is after the end of a 3 (three) month waiting period (calculated from the commencement date) – this benefit cannot be used for Pre-existing Matters. Subject to the exclusions (see clause 11), the member will only be covered for litigation in matters specified in clause 8. The Legal Insurance Benefit does not cover matters instituted (started) by the member.

           For the Gold option: the Legal Insurance Benefit entitles the member to legal assistance with litigious matters for criminal, family or civil action instituted by and/or against the member, where the date of the cause of action is after the end of a 2 (two) month waiting period (calculated from the commencement date) – this benefit cannot be used for Pre-existing Matters. Subject to the exclusions (see clause 11), the member will only be covered for litigation in matters specified in clause 8.

           For the Platinum option: the Legal Insurance Benefit entitles the member to legal assistance with litigious matters for criminal, family, labour or civil action instituted by and/or against the member, including opposed divorce matters for the main member only, where the date of the cause of action is after the end of a 1 (one) month waiting period (calculated from the commencement date) – this benefit cannot be used for Pre-existing Matters. Subject to the exclusions (see clause 11), the member will only be covered for litigation in matters specified in clause 8.


           For the Gold option: the Bail Cover Benefit entitles the member to payment of bail to the court of up to R2 000 per membership per year (only if the bail application was also covered by this Product) and provided that bail is set at an amount not exceeding R2 000 (i.e no pro rata bail will be paid where the total amount set exceeds R2 000).   

           For the Platinum option: the Bail Cover Benefit entitles the member to payment of bail to the court of up to R5 000 per membership per year (only if the bail application was also covered by this Product) and provided that bail is set at an amount not exceeding R5 000 (i.e no pro rata bail will be paid where the total amount set exceeds R5 000). Should the member fail to attend any court appearance, resulting in bail being forfeited, the member will be responsible for any losses suffered by Guardrisk.


           The Opposed Divorce Cover Benefit entitles the main member only to legal assistance in opposed divorce matters (ie: where a settlement has not been reached and either party to the divorce action has entered an appearance to defend the matter) instituted by or against the main member. This benefit is subject to a limit of R10 000 all – inclusive costs per year.




           LIPCO will, subject to the terms and conditions of this Product, including but not limited to payment of the amount to TFG, provide legal advice, mediation, and litigation assistance to the member.




           STEP 1


           If the member has a legal problem, the matter must be reported to LIPCO as soon as the member first becomes aware of it. If a matter is not reported to LIPCO within 30 (thirty) days of the member first becoming aware of it, LIPCO will have the discretion to reject any assistance under this Product.


           A member can phone LIPCO on 0861 534 367, or SMS the main member’s TFG Money Account number and ‘TFG Legal’ to 30838, or email LIPCO at to use the benefits and LIPCO will contact the member within 24 hours. If a member wants to use the Legal Emergency Benefit (for all options) or the Bail Cover Benefit (for the Gold and Platinum options only), the member can phone LIPCO on 082 568 2676.


           The member must use the contact details in this clause to report a new case and always have the main member’s TFG Money Account number available when interacting with LIPCO.

           LIPCO, Guardrisk and TFG (including TFG’s holding company and all its holding company’s subsidiaries within the meaning of the Companies Act 2008) will not be responsible for any legal fees directly or indirectly incurred by the member outside of the limits and scope of this Product, as contained in this membership guide.


           LIPCO will take the initial instruction from and discuss the problem with the member. If further information or documents are required, the responsibility will be on the member to provide the information or documents to LIPCO when LIPCO asks for it.


           The member must contact LIPCO regularly for feedback on his/her case. LIPCO will only contact the member if more information is needed or if relevant feedback needs to be communicated to the member.



           STEP 2


           If the matter is a general problem, LIPCO will initially, subject to any limitations set by any South African statute or other instance which is applicable to LIPCO, attempt to solve the problem under the Mediation Benefit by telephone, written correspondence or whatever other steps are deemed necessary in the exclusive discretion of LIPCO and at no additional costs to the member.


           STEP 3


           If the member’s problem cannot be solved through the method mentioned above (i.e. under the Basic Benefit or the Mediation Benefit) and the member needs further representation, LIPCO will, subject to the terms and conditions of this Product, arrange for a qualified legal practitioner to represent the member under the Legal Insurance Benefit. Should the member not qualify for assistance under the Legal Insurance Benefit, he/she will be given the option of being referred at his/her own cost to one of LIPCO’s panel attorneys at pre-arranged reduced rates.






           This benefit starts on the commencement date and no waiting period applies.




           This benefit starts on the commencement date and no waiting period applies.




           For the Gold and Silver options: the Mediation Benefit starts on the commencement date and no waiting period applies, but LIPCO will only enter into mediation under this benefit if the date of the cause of action is after the commencement date.


           For the Platinum option: the Mediation Benefit starts on the commencement date and no waiting period applies, but LIPCO will only enter into mediation under this benefit if the date of the cause of action is after the commencement date, or within a 3 (three) month period immediately preceding (before) the commencement date.




           The Estate Assist Benefit will be available when you, the main member, die, provided your death is after the commencement date.




           For the Silver option:    the Legal Insurance Benefit starts after the end of a 3 (three) month waiting period, calculated from the commencement date, provided that the terms and conditions of this Product do not limit or exclude cover. If this Product is suspended and reinstated (see clause 9.6 for when this can happen), a waiting period equal to the unexpired portion of the waiting period will apply when this Product reinstates.


           For the Gold option: the Legal Insurance Benefit (including the Bail Cover Benefit) starts after the end of a 2 (two) month waiting period, calculated from the commencement date, provided that the terms and conditions of this Product do not limit or exclude cover. If this Product is suspended and reinstated (see clause 9.6 for when this can happen), a waiting period equal to the unexpired portion of the waiting period will apply when this Product reinstates.


           For the Platinum option: the Legal Insurance Benefit (including the Bail Cover Benefit and Opposed Divorce Cover Benefit) starts after the end of a 1 (one) month waiting period, calculated from the commencement date, provided that the terms and conditions of this Product do not limit or exclude cover. If this Product is suspended and reinstated (see clause 9.6 for when this can happen), a waiting period equal to the unexpired portion of the waiting period will apply when this Product reinstates.




           Subject to the terms and conditions of this Product, the following matters will be included under the Mediation Benefit:


7.1     Assistance with written representations and settlement negotiations in both criminal as well as labour matters. This includes telephonic mediation and negotiation with the relevant authorities (e.g. an investigating officer to release the member on bail/warning when arrested);


7.2     Mediation in civil matters where the member wants to institute a claim or defend an action against him/her (based on contract or delict);


7.3     Mediation in family related matters, e.g. maintenance and divorce settlements;


7.4     Assistance with the following agreements for the member in his/her personal capacity (i.e. not business related) will also be covered under the Mediation Benefit:


           7.4.1        Contracts of sale for movable as well as immovable property where the property is situated within the borders of the Republic of South Africa;                                                                                                                                                                                                    

           7.4.2        Employment contracts for domestic workers;

           7.4.3        Settlement agreements relating to a mediation matter handled on behalf of the member under this Product;

           7.4.4        Acknowledgments of debt;

           7.4.5        Rental agreements;

           7.4.6        Standard wills (i.e. member to provide executor, establishment of a trust not required).


7.5     For the Platinum option only: one TransUnion credit check per member per year, on the member’s own credit profile.


7.6     Kindly Note: assistance under this Mediation Benefit includes informal mediation via correspondence only and excludes formal mediation services as contemplated in the Court Rules as this will be covered under the Legal Insurance Benefit (see 9.4).




8.1     Telephonic or face-to-face consultations at a LIPCO regional office with the main member’s family and executor;


8.2     Considering relevant documents and advising whether the deceased estate must be reported to the Master of the High Court or the Magistrate’s office;


8.3     Assisting the main member’s executor with completing and appending the documents necessary to report and wind-up the deceased estate;


8.4     Assisting the main member’s executor with the following, after the deceased estate has been reported:


           8.4.1 determining from the main member’s bank statements and emails what monthly expenses are due;


           8.4.2 closing the main member’s bank account/s and opening an estate bank account once R100 has been received by the estate;


           8.4.3 giving notice on shares, investments, annuities and insurance policies to ensure that money owed to the deceased estate is received;


           8.4.4 drafting the Liquidation and Distribution account as required by the applicable legislation.


8.5     This benefit does not include the costs associated with or as a consequence of the estate administration process, which costs will be for the main member’s deceased estate.


8.6     LIPCO reserves the right to appoint a legal practitioner to assist it in administering this benefit.




9.1     Representation in civil actions in any South African court (for the Silver option, this matter is limited to civil actions instituted against the member; for the Gold and Platinum options, this matter includes civil actions instituted by or against the member;

9.2     Representation in bail applications;

9.3     Representation in criminal matters instituted against the member in any South African Court;

9.4     Representation at a formal mediation where such mediation is facilitated by The Department of Justice and Constitutional Development and conducted in accordance with the relevant Court Rules, provided that reasonable prospects of success as contemplated in clause 12.3 exist (i.e. the member stands a chance to win the case if it goes to trial). Legal expense cover under these circumstances will include the member’s contribution towards the mediator’s fees, as well as the member’s representative’s fees, subject to the limits of this Product.

           For the Platinum and Gold options only:

9.5     Representation in unopposed (undefended) divorce matters. I.e. where a settlement was signed by both parties before/after receiving summons and neither party entered a notice to defend the matter; 

9.6     Representation in maintenance matters relating to the main member’s minor children where the other party to the dispute is represented by a legal practitioner;

9.7     Registration of an antenuptial agreement (marriage agreement) for the main member, subject to clause 12.28 below;


9.8     Payment of bail, limited to the amount of R2 000 per membership per year (for the Gold option) and R5 000 per membership per year (for the Platinum option). The Bail Cover Benefit will only be paid out if the bail application was also covered by this Product and provided that the total bail amount set does not exceed R2 000 (for the Gold option) and R5 000 (for the Platinum option).

9.9     Application for the rescission of a Magistrate’s Court judgement, provided the following criteria are met:


9.9.1 - the judgement was granted after expiry of the 2 (two) month waiting period (for the Gold option) or the 1 (one) month waiting period (for the Platinum option); and

   - the member can prove a bona fide (true) defence to the summons which led to the granting of the judgement. The decision as to whether the member can prove a bona fide defence will rest solely in the discretion of LIPCO, the Foschini Group and / or Guardrisk; and

- the member informs LIPCO of the judgement within 10 (ten) days of the member first becoming aware of it; and

- the member meets all the requirements of the Magistrate’s Court rules relating to rescission applications,


9.9.2 the member against whom a default judgement was granted can prove that he / she has paid the judgement debt in full and / or obtained the judgement creditor’s consent to the rescission of the judgement, provided that the judgement was granted after expiry of the 2 (two) month waiting period (for the Gold option) or the 1 (one) month waiting period (for the Platinum option) and the member meets all the requirements of the Magistrate’s Court rules relating to rescission applications.

Applications for rescission of judgement under 9.9.2 above will be limited to 2 (two) applications per member per year, subject thereto that the provisions of this Product do not limit or exclude cover.

If the rescission of judgement application under this benefit is successful, any claim against this Policy to defend the summons which gave rise the rescinded judgement, will be subject to separate assessment under the terms and conditions of this Policy.

For the Platinum option only:


9.10   Representation by an attorney:

9.10.1  In disciplinary hearings where legal representation is allowed and where the member faces charges that may result in his/her dismissal; and

              9.10.2  In arbitration proceedings under the auspices of the CCMA (Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration), where such representation is allowed in law and where the matter arises (in LIPCO’s sole discretion) from an unfair dismissal.

9.11 Representation in opposed (defended) divorce matters (for the main member only). i.e.    where a settlement was not reached and either party to the divorce action has entered an appearance to defend the matter).


KINDLY NOTE FOR ALL OPTIONS: any matter not specifically mentioned in this clause shall not be covered under the Legal Insurance Benefit. All litigation matters mentioned in this clause will be subject to the provisions of Clause 12 below, as well as a full merits assessment before the member will be entitled to assistance under the Legal Insurance Benefit.


For the Silver option: the maximum cover under the Legal Insurance Benefit is limited to R40 000 (forty thousand rand) per membership per year. For clarity, this means that the R40 000 (forty thousand rand) maximum cover is for all members insured under this Product combined.


For the Gold option: the maximum cover under the Legal Insurance Benefit is limited to R60 000 (sixty thousand rand) per membership per year. For clarity, this means that the R60 000 (sixty thousand rand) maximum cover is for all members insured under this Product combined. The Bail Cover Benefit of R2 000 (two thousand rand) per membership per year (for all members insured under this Product combined) is included in the Legal Insurance Benefit of R60 000 per membership per year. These cover amounts are confirmed on the Schedule.


For the Platinum option: the maximum cover under the Legal Insurance Benefit is limited to R100 000 (one hundred thousand rand) per membership per year. For clarity, this means that the R100 000 (one hundred thousand rand) maximum cover is for all members insured under this Product combined. The Bail Cover Benefit of R5 000 (five thousand rand) per membership per year (for all members insured under this Product combined) and the Opposed Divorce Cover benefit of R10 000 (ten thousand rand) for the main member only are included in the Legal Insurance Benefit of R100 000 per membership per year. These cover amounts are confirmed on the Schedule.




10.1   The main member will be provided with 31 days’ notice of any changes to this Product by sms, email or post regarding the amount payable for the membership (which includes the premium) and the terms and conditions of the Product.


10.2   The member must comply with the terms and conditions of this Product, insofar as they relate to any obligation or compliance of the member and the truth of the details and statements supplied, shall be conditions precedent to any advice and assistance rendered by LIPCO. The member may be expected to sign an indemnity form if so required and deemed necessary in the exclusive discretion of LIPCO, in terms of which the member will undertake to repay any amounts already paid by Guardrisk on behalf of the member.


10.3   If a matter is likely to give rise to litigation, the member must notify LIPCO as soon as he/she first realises that the matter is a legal problem that might lead to litigation and the member must assist any LIPCO mediator with arrangements and all reasonable consultations that LIPCO requires from the member.


10.4   The member will produce for inspection all books, statements, documents and/or records and give all information and explanations which are deemed reasonable and necessary by LIPCO, to assist the member under the Basic and/or Mediation Benefit and/or to determine the prospects of success of litigation.


10.5   This Product can be cancelled by the main member within 14 days of having received this membership guide, or from a reasonable date on which it can be deemed that the main member received this membership guide, (provided that no benefit has yet been paid or claimed or the event insured against has not yet occurred) by giving notice in writing to Guardrisk, care of TFG. If this Product is cancelled within this 14 day cooling-off period, the main member will receive a refund of his/her amounts paid. After this 14 day cooling-off period, either the main member or TFG may cancel this Product, by giving 31 (thirty one) days written notice at any time.


10.6   The following rules apply when the amount payable for the Product is debited and collected from the main member’s TFG Money Account:


10.6.1 The main member authorises TFG to debit and collect the monthly amount due for the Product from his/her TFG Money Account until this Product ends. The amount payable for the Product includes the premium for the Legal Insurance Benefit and cover for Extended Family Members (for the Platinum option only) where applicable, as well as LIPCO’s cost for the services, and is the monthly amount specified in the main member’s TFG Money Account statement. TFG will pay the premium to Guardrisk on the main member’s behalf each month and will pay LIPCO on the main members’ behalf each month, for LIPCO’s services in terms of this membership guide. This debit will show on the main member’s TFG Money Account statement each month.


The terms and conditions for a TFG Money Account will apply together with the terms and conditions of this Product as set out in this document. The billing of the amount equal to the payment for the Product will attract interest when the main member’s TFG Money Account payment plan attracts interest, at the same rate applicable to the TFG Money Account’s payment plan, and TFG will keep that interest.


10.6.2 The benefits of this Product will be suspended (the main member will not be billed for an amount equal to the amount payable for the Product and the members will not have access to the benefits, except the Legal Emergency Benefit as per 10.6.3 below) if: The main member has not paid the monthly amount required by TFG on his/her TFG Money Account for 2 (two) consecutive months. The main member may contact TFG’s customer services on 0860 834 834 if he/she would like to know what this amount is. TFG will notify the main member in writing when he/she has not paid this amount; There is any amount on the main member’s TFG Money Account that is outstanding for 60 (sixty) days or more. This means that, in order for the members to have access to the benefits of this Product, the 60 (sixty) day indicator and the 90 (ninety) day indicator on the bottom of the main member’s account statement each month must be zero as per this example:

TFG will notify the main member in writing when there is an amount outstanding for 60 (sixty) days or more. The main member is under debt review as provided for in the National Credit Act 34 of 2005; The main member is under administration as provided for in the Magistrates’ Courts Act 32 of 1944; The main member becomes insolvent as provided for in the Insolvency Act 24 of 1936; The main member reaches his/her credit limit, which is the maximum approved amount of credit in terms of the main member’s TFG Money Account.


As soon as any of the circumstances listed above at to come to an end or no longer apply, this Product will reinstate automatically from that date and the main member will receive notice that the benefits are reinstated from that date onwards. There is no access to the benefits for the period that the Product has been suspended and the members will not be able to request legal advice and assistance according to the benefit structure for any cause of action arising in the period that the Product has been suspended. The main member will receive confirmation from TFG if and when the Product suspends.


10.6.3 If the Product is suspended, the member will only receive services under the Legal Emergency Benefit and no other benefits under this Product.


10.6.4 Any request for cover under the Legal Insurance Benefit will be repudiated if the main member’s TFG Money Account is in arrears at the time of such request or was in arrears on the date of the cause of action. Such claims will remain repudiated until this Product ends. The period of cover is each period of 1 (one) month for which a payment is billed to the TFG Money Account. Membership is therefore renewed on a month-to-month basis.


10.6.5 The amount for the Product will be billed even if the main member’s TFG Money Account has a zero balance or a credit (positive) balance.


10.7   If the amount payable for the Product is paid by a debit order, the following is applicable:


10.7.1 The main member authorises and requests TFG, or its authorised representative, to debit the personal bank account provided to TFG in respect of the amount required for the Product [which includes the premium for the Legal Insurance Benefit and cover for Extended Family Members (for the Platinum option only) where applicable], until this Product ends.


10.7.2 The main member will be responsible for the payment of any bank charges associated with the monthly debit order.


10.7.3 Legal advice and assistance according to the benefit structure, except the Legal Emergency Benefit (see 10.7.4 below), will be available to the member if the amount payable for the Product has been paid and is up to date and not in arrears.


10.7.4 If the amount payable for the Product is in arrears, but the Product has not ended, the member will only receive services under the Legal Emergency Benefit and no other benefits under this Product.


10.7.5 Any request for cover under the Legal Insurance Benefit will be repudiated if the amount payable for the Product is in arrears at the time of such request or was in arrears on the date of the cause of action.  Such claims will remain repudiated until this Product ends. The period of insurance is each period of 1 (one) month for which a payment was received. Membership is therefore renewed on a month-to-month basis upon receipt of the payment for that specific month.



10.8   Any concession of a litigation matter will not bind Guardrisk, LIPCO or TFG and no variation of this Product shall be in force or effect unless reduced to writing and approved by LIPCO. No indulgence, leniency or extension of time which TFG, LIPCO or Guardrisk may grant or show to a member, shall in any way prejudice TFG, LIPCO or Guardrisk, or preclude TFG, LIPCO or Guardrisk, from exercising any of their rights in the future.


10.9   If a member has other insurance covering the cause of action, the member must claim such damages from such insurance or first exhaust all remedies in terms of his/her insurance before claiming against this Product in terms of the Legal Insurance Benefit.


10.10 The fees of an expert witness, security for execution procedures, expert reports as well as any cost order awarded against the member, will be for the member’s own account (the member must pay for these costs him/herself).


10.11 If a member approaches LIPCO with a litigious matter, of which the facts are basically similar to a previous case reported by such member, LIPCO may, in its sole discretion, repudiate such claim in the following circumstances:


  • If the reason for the case not being finalised initially, was due to the member’s own motivation or failure to act according to LIPCO’s advice; and/or
  • LIPCO incurred expenses when the member was assisted with such matter initially. LIPCO does not pay legal fees duplicated by changing legal representatives or incurred because the member failed to cooperate with the legal representative handling the matter.


10.12 The benefits in terms of this Product are exclusively for the member in his/her private and personal capacity and cannot be used for the purpose of his/her business, prospective business/commercial transaction or otherwise.


10.13 Should a member change his/her Product option to an alternate option at any stage of his/her existing membership, the waiting periods for such alternate option will be applicable to membership regarding any of the additional membership benefits. These additional benefits will not have any retrospective force (i.e. they may not be used to attempt to cover litigious matters that are not covered in terms of this Product before the commencement date of such alternate option).


10.14 LIPCO shall not be liable for any advice given or representations handled by any of the legal practitioners contracted by LIPCO to render services under the Legal Insurance Benefit, as they are registered advocates/attorneys. The member indemnifies LIPCO, Guardrisk and TFG (including TFG’s holding company and all its holding company’s subsidiaries within the meaning of the Companies Act 2008) against any claims resulting from advice given or acts performed by any of the legal practitioners contracted by LIPCO to advise or represent members.


10.15 A member is not entitled to settle a litigious matter without LIPCO’s approval, unless such settlement includes the right of recovery of legal expenses already paid in terms of this Product up to the date of settlement.  Any settlement amount will first be used to refund all litigation expenses already paid by LIPCO in terms of this Product, before the balance is paid to the member.


10.16    Cover under this Product will end:


10.16.1 Automatically, on the day that the main member’s TFG Money Account is terminated (if the amount payable for the Product is debited and collected from the main member’s TFG Money Account); or


10.16.2 If the amount payable for the Product is paid by a debit order: from the second month of the currency of this Product, the payment is not paid on the date that it was due to be paid as a result of the main member stopping the debit order payment, the main member will have 30 (thirty) days to make payment, failing which legal advice and assistance according to the benefit structure will end at midnight on the date that the payment was due to be paid and the Product will end on the date of the stopped debit order.

From the second month of the currency of this Product, if the payment is not made for any other reason than having been stopped by the main member, TFG, or its authorised representative, will re-debit the payment in the following month, which means the payment will be billed twice, and if the outstanding payment is not paid when it is re-debited, the Product will end on the date that the payment is unsuccessfully re-debited. A request for legal advice and assistance according to the benefit structure for a cause of action which happens in the period from the end of the last month in which a payment was received and the date that the outstanding monthly payment was re-debited will only be entertained if the main member pays the outstanding payment.


If the missed payment, either stopped by the main member or not paid for any other reason, is the first payment due under this Product, legal advice and assistance according to the benefit structure will end with effect from the commencement date; or


10.16.3 If TFG ceases to participate in the Product; or


10.16.4 If the Product is terminated in writing;


whichever of the aforementioned events happens first.


10.17 This Product does not cover nor make provision for assistance in disputes with LIPCO, Guardrisk or TFG, or any claim against LIPCO, Guardrisk or TFG. If the member is an employee of TFG, LIPCO will refer the member to the internal dispute resolution avenues of TFG.  TFG will, for purposes of this clause, include Foschini Retail Group (Pty) Ltd, its holding company and all of its holding company’s subsidiaries within the meaning of the Companies Act 2008.





11.1   The date of the cause of action was after the waiting period;

11.2   The main member’s TFG Money Account is not suspended as per (if the payment is to be debited and collected from the main member’s TFG Money Account);

11.3  The amount payable for the membership has been paid (if the payment is to be debited and collected from the main member’s personal bank account by debit order);

11.4   A successful merit assessment has taken place (i.e. prospects of success relevant);

11.5   Representation is within the borders of the Republic of South Africa;

11.6   The matter is not specifically excluded under clause 12.




The following matters will be excluded under the Legal Insurance Benefit. If no informal mediation/advice/assistance is possible, the matter will also be excluded under the Mediation Benefit and the Estate Assist Benefit:


12.1        Where representation is required outside the borders of the Republic of South Africa or where any party to a dispute resides or is domiciled outside the borders of the Republic of South Africa;


12.2        Any matter which is a Pre-existing Matter;


12.3        Where reasonable prospects of success do not exist. All litigation claims are considered, bearing in mind the prospects of success. This means that if, in LIPCO’s Merits Committee’s discretion, a member provided insufficient information to convince the Merits Committee that the member will win the case, the claim will be repudiated. Also refer to clause 10.4 where it is clearly stated that it is the member’s responsibility to provide LIPCO with all relevant information to determine the prospects of success. Obtaining the relevant information (e.g. statements, contracts, reports, contents of a docket etc.) remains the member’s responsibility and the cost thereof shall not be covered by this Product. Should it, at any time, become apparent that the member provided LIPCO with false information/statements, LIPCO may, in its sole discretion, claim back any amounts already paid and cancel membership. LIPCO may also require an indemnity document to be signed in cases where the merits of a specific case are in doubt;


12.4        A dispute between the member and LIPCO or between the member and TFG (including TFG’s holding company and all its holding company’s subsidiaries within the meaning of the Companies Act 2008), and/or any agent/employee/consultant instructed by LIPCO to act on the member’s behalf, including a dispute as to the merits and/or the quantum of a claim;


12.5        Acts performed by the member in the course of the member’s existing or prospective business or commercial transactions related to such business;


12.6        Any cession, assignment or delegation, the result and/or purpose of which is to bring any matter within the ambit of this Product;


12.7        Political activities by the member in any government, local and/or tribunal authority;


12.8        Matters relating to negligence or acts performed by the member or the member’s dependants whilst under the influence of alcohol and/or any type of drug (i.e. drunk driving and driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs, etc);


12.9        Acts performed by the member amounting to gross negligence and/or malice where the member intentionally disregarded the law, realising the possible consequences of his/her actions at the time of the incident. LIPCO will also not cover a member for a guilty plea under these circumstances, unless the member can provide a reasonable explanation for his/her actions that will convince LIPCO that he/she acted reasonably under the circumstances. If the member fails to provide such explanation which, in LIPCO’s sole discretion, could eliminate the presumption of malice and intent, the matter may be excluded. This will also be the case where a member is continuously charged with the same or similar offence within a 12 (twelve) month period without providing a valid defence for his/her actions;


12.10      Civil commotion, labour disturbances, riots, public disorder, unlawful strikes, lock-out and civil disobedience;


12.11      War, invasion, acts of foreign enemies, hostilities or warlike operations, mutiny arising;


12.12      Matters that fall within the jurisdiction of any community court where members of the public appear without legal representation, such as the Small Claims Court;


12.13    For the Silver option: Any matter arising out of a family relationship or any affectionate relationship (e.g. unopposed and opposed divorce matters, custody, maintenance, adoption, domestic violence, motion applications or any claims amongst spouses, lovers, ex-spouses or ex-lovers);


              For the Gold and Platinum options: any matter (other than those mentioned in clauses 9.5 - 9.7), arising out of a family relationship or any affectionate relationship (e.g. opposed divorce matters for members other than the main member, custody, maintenance, adoption, domestic violence, motion applications or any claims amongst spouses, lovers, ex-spouses or ex-lovers);


12.14      Any self-motivated or business-related application or registrations (e.g. licenses, patents, copyright, etc.);


12.15    Any formal application, whether of a civil, family, criminal or labour nature where such application arises from the member’s own motivation (e.g. interdict, sequestration, rehabilitation, promotion, Rule 43 application in divorce proceedings etc.) and the main objective of such application is to put the member in a better financial and/or reputable position;


12.16    Winding up of estates and matters regarding the establishment of a trust, or (for the Platinum option only) any matters arising from the Estate Assist Benefit;


12.17    A civil claim based only on an oral agreement and the member can provide no written and signed proof of the terms and conditions of such an agreement;


12.18    Any claims for non-pecuniary losses (e.g. malicious prosecution, wrongful arrest, pain & suffering and defamation matters);


12.19    Constitutional Court and Labour Court representations;


12.20    For the Platinum option only: representations at disciplinary hearings where the member does not face charges that may result in dismissal;


12.21    For the Platinum option only: representation in proceedings under the auspices of the CCMA (Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration), other than those proceedings contemplated at 9.10.2 above;


12.22    Where it is possible for the member to claim damages through any other form of insurance;


12.23    Any tax related advice or assistance;


12.24    Where the member fails to report or notify LIPCO of any matter likely to give rise to litigation within 30 (thirty) days of the occurrence of such event (the onus of proof that such matter was indeed reported to LIPCO, is on the member);


12.25    The collection of debt on behalf of a member, where the first warrant of execution has been issued and was unsuccessful. The member will be responsible for further costs regarding the execution process;


12.26    Payment of cost orders awarded against a member in any legal proceedings;


12.27    Loss or damage to member’s vehicle in instances where the terms and conditions of his/her finance agreement required the member to properly insure the vehicle, but he/she failed to comply;


12.28    For the Gold and Platinum options only: registration of an antenuptial agreement where the engagement was contracted before the expiry of the waiting period;


12.29    Motoring matters (civil and criminal related) where:


  • The vehicle concerned was driven by anyone other than the member or any of his/her dependents (as per clause 2.1);
  • The driver of the vehicle was not in possession of a valid driver’s license at the time of the incident.




If the member disputes Guardrisk’s repudiation of her/his claim under the Legal Insurance Benefit, the member has 90 (ninety) days from the date of receipt of the repudiation letter to appeal this decision in writing to Guardrisk. If the member makes a representation within the 90-day period, Guardrisk has to notify the member within 45 days of receiving the representation of its final decision after reviewing the representation. If the appeal is not successful or the dispute is not resolved at the end of this 90 (ninety) day period, then the member has an additional 6 (six) months to institute legal action against Guardrisk by serving summons on it, failing which Guardrisk is no longer liable in respect of the claim.




“Personal Information” means personal information as defined in the Protection of Personal Information Act 4 of 2013.


14.1 For the purposes of this section, “Applicable Laws” shall mean the Protection of Personal Information Act 4 of 2013 and any other legislation referring to data management and such processes.


14.2 The members’ privacy is of utmost importance to TFG, LIPCO and Guardrisk. TFG, LIPCO and Guardrisk will take the necessary measures to ensure that any and all information, provided by the member or which is collected from the member is processed in accordance with the provisions of the Protection of Personal Information Act 4 of 2013 and further, is stored in a safe and secure manner.


14.3 The member agrees to give honest, accurate and up-to-date Personal Information and to maintain and update such information when necessary. The member has the right to access his/her Personal Information held by TFG, LIPCO or Guardrisk, during office hours and within a reasonable time after receiving such a written request for access. The member may update his/her Personal Information at any time by calling TFG.


14.4 The member accepts and expressly consents that his/her Personal Information collected by TFG and/or LIPCO and/or Guardrisk may be used for the following reasons:


14.4.1 to establish and verify the member’s identity in terms of the Applicable Laws;


14.4.2 to enter into this Product and to enable Guardrisk, LIPCO and TFG and any of their authorised representatives to fulfil their obligations in terms of this Product and to comply with the member’s instructions;


14.4.3 to enable Guardrisk, LIPCO and TFG to detect fraud and criminal activities and to take the necessary measures to prevent any suspicious or fraudulent activity in terms of the Applicable Laws; and


14.4.4 reporting to the relevant regulatory authority/body, in terms of the Applicable Laws.


14.5 The member consents to TFG, LIPCO and Guardrisk sharing his/her Personal Information with third parties to administer this Product and comply with any regulatory requests. TFG, LIPCO and Guardrisk may share the member’s information for further processing with the following third parties, which third parties have an obligation to keep the member’s Personal Information secure and confidential:


14.5.1 payment processing service providers, merchants, banks and other persons that assist with the processing of the main member’s payment instructions;


14.5.2 law enforcement and fraud prevention agencies and other persons tasked with the prevention and prosecution of crime;


14.5.3 regulatory authorities, industry ombudsmen, governmental departments, local and international tax authorities, and other persons that TFG, LIPCO and Guardrisk, in accordance with the Applicable Laws, are required to share the member’s Personal Information with;


14.5.4 credit bureau’s;


14.5.5 TFG’s, LIPCO’s and Guardrisk’s service providers, agents and sub-contractors that have been contracted by TFG, LIPCO or Guardrisk to offer and provide products and services to the member in respect of this Product; and


14.5.6 persons to whom TFG, LIPCO or Guardrisk cede their rights or delegate their authority in terms of this Product.


14.6 TFG, LIPCO and Guardrisk will only keep the member’s Personal Information for as long as necessary or required by law.


14.7 Unless consented to by the member, TFG, LIPCO and Guardrisk will not sell, exchange, transfer, rent or otherwise make available the member’s Personal Information to any other parties and the member indemnifies TFG, LIPCO and Guardrisk from any claims resulting from disclosures made with his/her consent.


14.8 The member understands that if TFG/LIPCO/Guardrisk has utilised his/her Personal Information contrary to the Applicable Laws, he/she has the right to lodge a complaint with Guardrisk or with the Information Regulator once established.


14.9 If the main member has a spouse and/or child/children who will be members under this Product as defined at clause 2.1 above or if the member has chosen to cover his/her extended family member/s under this Product (for the Platinum option only), the main member confirms that he/she has alerted his/her spouse and/or child/children and/or extended family member/s to this clause 14 and obtained the spouse’s and or the child/childrens’ and/or extended family member/s consent to provide TFG, LIPCO and Guardrisk with the spouse’s and/or child/childrens’ and/or extended family member/s Personal Information, subject to the provisions of this clause 14. The main member indemnifies TFG, LIPCO and Guardrisk from any claims resulting from the sharing of the spouse’s and/or the child/childrens’ and/or extended family member/s Personal Information without the spouse’s and/or childrens’ and/or extended family member/s consent.





TFG has created a superior solution – encompassing products, processing and service – tailored to each of our customers’ requirements.  TFG will, at all times, deliver a superior customer experience, simplifying and improving our customers’ lives.  Foschini will achieve this through a motivated team of skilled people, absolute fairness in our treatment of our customers and partners and complying with the principles and outcomes of Treating Customers Fairly.   These are:

  • You are confident that your fair treatment is key to Foschini’s culture;
  • Products and services are designed to meet your needs;
  • TFG will communicate clearly, appropriately and on time;
  • TFG is not licensed to give advice. Queries regarding advice must be referred to Guardrisk;
  • TFG’s products and services meet your standards and are of an acceptable level;
  • There are no barriers to access TFG’s services or to lodge any complaints.








Further information in compliance with the Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Act.


As a short-term insurance policyholder, or prospective policyholder, you have the right to the following information:


  1. Your Intermediary

Name: Foschini Retail Group (Pty) Ltd, “Foschini” (FSP No. 32719)

Physical address: 340 Voortrekker Road, Parow East, 7500

Postal address: P O Box 6020, Parow East, 7501

Telephone: 0860 834 834 | Fax: 021 937 5284

Email address:

Website: and/or

Company Registration Number: 1988/007302/07

Foschini Retail Group (Pty) Ltd is an authorised financial services provider (FSP 32719) and registered credit provider (NCRPC 36)

External Compliance Officer: Nadia Verappen, telephone 087 897 6970

Internal Compliance Officer: Antonio Jacobus, telephone 021 938 1911 or email

VAT registration number: 4210187250

Foschini has Professional Indemnity insurance cover.

              For a copy of Foschini’s Complaints Resolution policy, please visit our website, contact Customer Services on 0860 834 834 or email us at Complaints can be made by contacting customer services at 0860 834 834 or email:

            In the event of general queries or for a copy of Foschini’s Conflicts of Interest Policy, please call Customer Services on 0860 834 834.


In terms of its FSP license, Foschini is authorised to provide intermediary services for products under


  • Short-Term Insurance Personal Lines
  • Short-term Insurance Personal Lines A1.


Foschini accepts responsibility for the lawful actions of its representatives (as defined in the Financial Advisory and Intermediary Service Act) in rendering financial services within the course and scope of their employment.


Foschini Retail Group (Pty) Ltd is a company incorporated in terms of South African company law.  Foschini performs services as an intermediary and binder holder under the Short Term Insurance Act and the Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Act and its regulations, entering into non-life insurance policies. An intermediary is an entity (for example, a company or close corporation) through which an insurance contract is effected. Foschini has an intermediary agreement and a binder agreement with Guardrisk Insurance Company Limited, a cell captive insurer. Foschini has the necessary mandates to act on behalf of Guardrisk.  Guardrisk Insurance Company Limited and Foschini Retail Group (Pty) Ltd have concluded a shareholder and subscription agreement that entitles Foschini Retail Group (Pty) Ltd to place insurance business with Guardrisk Insurance Company Limited. The shareholder and subscription agreement entitles Foschini Retail Group (Pty) Ltd to share in the profits and losses generated by the insurance business. Guardrisk Insurance Company Limited may distribute dividends, at the sole discretion of its Board of Directors, to Foschini Retail Group (Pty) Ltd during the existence of the Product. Foschini pays the premiums to Guardrisk on the member’s behalf.  A cell captive is a special purpose insurance company which allows a third party to sell branded insurance to its own client base.


  1. Professional Indemnity Insurance

Professional Indemnity Insurance is in force.


  1. Details of Commission & Fees

Foschini receives no commission on the R3.00 premium or the R6.00 total premium if the main member has chosen the Platinum option and added Extended Family Members (the premium amount will be reviewed once every calendar year in accordance with the TFG Legal Plan Membership Guide, however the main member will be notified if this amount increases).


  1. Claims notification procedures

To claim, please contact the Legal Helpline as indicated in this TFG Legal Plan  Membership Guide.


  1. About your Insurer

Guardrisk is an Authorised Financial Services Provider in terms of the Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Act (FSP No. 75)            

           VAT registration number: 4250138072

           Physical Address: The Marc, Tower 2, 129 Rivonia Road, Sandton, 2196

           Postal Address: P O Box 786015, Sandton, 2146

           Telephone Number: 011 669 1000

           Fax Number: 011 669 1931

           Compliance Officer: 011 669 1000

           Claims disputes:


In terms of the FSP license (FSP 75), Guardrisk Insurance Company Limited is authorised to give advice and render financial services for products under:


         CATEGORY I:

         Short-term Insurance: Personal Lines

         Short-term Insurance: Commercial Lines

         Short-term Insurance: Personal Lines A1


         Guardrisk has Professional Indemnity Cover and Fidelity Guarantee Cover in place.


Your Intermediary and/or Underwriting Manager noted above should always be your first point of contact if you have a query or complaint. Guardrisk is a Cell captive insurance company, we partner with other financial service providers to provide our customers with different insurance and risk solutions to suit their specific needs.


If you are dissatisfied with the feedback received from your Intermediary and/or your underwriting manager, or your complaint remains unresolved, feel free to contact the Guardrisk Complaints Department:

         Telephone:                                                       0860 333 361



         Guardrisk Compliance Details

         Telephone:                                                       +27-11-669-1000



Guardrisk Insurance Company Limited has a conflict of interest management policy in place and is available to clients on the website:


  1. About your Underwriting Manager

Name: LIPCO Group (Pty) Ltd, “LIPCO” (FSP No. 7508)

Physical Address: 74432 Oxbow Street, Estuaries, Century City, 7441

Telephone: + 27 (21) 522 6400

Fax: 086 582 7030


           LIPCO has Fidelity Guarantee insurance cover and Professional Indemnity insurance cover.

For a copy of LIPCO’s Complaints Resolution Policy, Claims Policy or Conflict of Interests Policy, please call LIPCO at +27 (21) 522 6400, or email the Compliance Officer at

In terms of its FSP license, LIPCO is authorised to provide intermediary services for products under:



  • Short-Term Insurance Personal Lines
  • Short-term Insurance Personal Lines A1.

   Short Term Commercial Lines

LIPCO accepts responsibility for the financial services rendered by the representative.


LIPCO’s representatives are mandated representatives of LIPCO by means of an employment agreement and/or a mandate agreement.


LIPCO is authorised to perform claims settlement functions for Foschini in terms of the non-life Foschini products in terms a binder agreement which it has entered into with Guardrisk Insurance Company Limited.


LIPCO does not directly or indirectly hold more than 10% of the shares in Guardrisk or has any substantial financial interest in Guardrisk during the preceding 12 months.


LIPCO has not received more than 30% of its total remuneration, including commission from Guardrisk   -


There are no specific exemptions that the Registrar may have granted to LIPCO with regards to any matter covered by the FAIS Act 


Our legal status

We provide services as an intermediary in terms of the Short-Term Insurance Act and Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Act, entering into non-life term insurance policies. We have a binder agreement and an intermediary agreement in place with Guardrisk Insurance Company Limited, a cell captive insurer


  1. Premium payments

Premiums are charged monthly in advance, and cover endures until the next monthly billing. A grace period of 60 days (if the payment is debited and collected from the main member’s TFG Money Account) or 30 days (if the amount payable for the membership is paid by means of a debit order) is allowed for payment after the due date. If payment is not made by the end of the grace period, cover will end from the due date. If it is a new monthly policy, the grace period will start from the beginning of the second month of the currency of the policy.


All sums insured, amounts and limits reflected in the Product and Foschini credit facility statements of account are inclusive of Value - Added tax.


In terms of a ruling issued by the South African Revenue Service, the policy together with proof of payment of premium constitutes an alternative to a tax invoice, debit note or credit note as contemplated in sections 20(7) and 21(5) of the Value - Added Tax Act 89 of 1991 respectively.


  1. Other matters of importance

(a)      You must be informed of any material changes to the information referred to in paragraphs 1 and 5.

(b)      If the information in paragraphs 1 and 7 was given orally, it must be confirmed in writing within 31 days.

(c)       If any complaint to the intermediary or insurer is not resolved to your satisfaction, you may submit the complaint to the Registrar of Short-term Insurance (Financial Sector Conduct Authority) or to the FAIS Ombud or Short – Term Insurance Ombudsman (see 10, 11 and 12 below for contact details of the Ombudsman).

(d)      Polygraph or any lie detector test is not obligatory in the event of a claim and the failure thereof may not be the sole reason for repudiating a claim.

(e)      The insurer and not the intermediary must give reasons for repudiating your claim.

(f)       Your insurer may not cancel your insurance merely by informing your intermediary. There is an obligation to make sure the cancellation notice has been sent to you. You are entitled to cancel this product by giving 31 days prior notice of cancellation,

(g)      You are entitled to a copy of the Membership Guide free of charge.

(h)      It is your responsibility to monitor cover to ensure it remains adequate.


If any of the information reflected above and below was given to you orally, this disclosure notice serves to provide you with the information in writing. If the information provided to you verbally is no longer accurate and applicable to your cover, we will give notice of the changes.


  1. Warning

Do not sign any blank or partially completed application form.

Complete all forms in ink.

Keep all documents handed to you.

Make a note as to what is said to you.

Don’t be pressurised to buy the product. It is an OPTIONAL product.

Incorrect or non-disclosure by you of relevant facts may influence an insurer on any claims arising from your contract of insurance.


  1. Waiver of Rights

No insurer and/or intermediary may request or induce in any manner a client to waive any right or benefit conferred on the client by/or in terms of any provisions of the said Code, or recognise, accept or act on any such waiver by a client.  Any such waiver is null and void.


  1. Particulars of National Financial Ombud Scheme which is available to advise you in the event of claim problems that are not satisfactorily resolved by the insurance intermediary and/or the insurer

Address: Claremont Central Building, 6th Floor, 6 Vineyard Road, Claremont, 7708

Tel: 0860 800 900




  1. Particulars of Registrar of Short-term Insurance (the Financial Sector Conduct Authority) Financial Sector Conduct Authority, P O Box 35655, Menlo Park, 0102

Tel: (012) 428 8000

Fax: (012) 346 6941



If any complaint to the Intermediary/FSP or Insurer is not resolved to your satisfaction, you may submit the complaint to the Registrar of Short-term Insurance.


  1. Particulars of the FAIS Ombud

(product / advice related matters)

PO Box 41, Menlyn Park, 0063

Tel: (012) 762 5000

Sharecall: 0860 663274

Email address:



If your Intermediary/FSP was unable to resolve a complaint about a financial product purchased, varied, replaced or terminated, you may submit the complaint to the FAIS Ombud.


  1. Particulars of the Information Regulator

           (For personal information related matters)

           P.O. Box 31533, Braamfontein, Johannesburg, 2017

           Tel: +27- 10- 023- 5200



  1. Name, class or type of policy involved

Non-Life personal lines insurance: Legal insurance.


Version: 28 03 2024